Melt In Time...

Melt In Time...

Time Travel is a very elusive subject. Tons of movies and countless sci-fi novels have been made about the scope of time travel and how it would revolutionise the world as we know it.

I am sure somewhere a child is dreaming of building a time machine to travel in future or past.

But, let me ask you, Don't we all travel in time all the time?

Who says time traveling is fictional?

Imagine, you are passing by a street and an amazing fragrance hits your nose.  Don't you remember a beautiful incident that occured around 10-15 or maybe a couple of yrs back? 

What would you call it? 

Distinct Memory?

Well, I call it travelling back in time.

You imagine yourself few years down the line at some place or position you work hard and reach there didn’t u time travel in the future?

At candelous that’s what we want to help you to  travel in time, to walk down your memory lane from the comfort of your home by invoking beautiful memories with a fragrance from our candle….


We thrive on making scented candles that will invoke nostalgia and will take you back in time to relive those beautiful memories



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